Wellbeing in Partnership E-Bulletin – Bromsgrove & Redditch – Update 39

Dear all,

Please find the latest information bulletin below.  (Please note: These bulletins are designed to replace our monthly e-newsletter for the time being.)

COVID Vaccinations – Book NOW if eligible

You do not need to wait to be contacted if any of the following apply:

  • you are aged 42 or over
  • you will turn 42 before 1 July 2021
  • you are at high risk from COVID-19 (clinically extremely vulnerable)
  • you have a condition that puts you at higher risk (clinically vulnerable)
  • you have a learning disability
  • you are an eligible frontline health or social care worker
  • you get a Carer’s Allowance, get support following an assessment by your local authority OR your GP record shows you’re a carer

If you’re an eligible unpaid carer but you cannot book an appointment, speak to your GP surgery

You can book appointments at a larger vaccination centre or a pharmacy that provides COVID-19 vaccinations.

Book your coronavirus vaccination appointments online or by telephoning 119.

Can’t find your NHS number to book an appointment?  Then use this link:  www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/online-services/find-nhs-number/

If you are NOT eligible yet, please wait to be contacted.  Further information can be found at: www.nhs.uk/covid-vaccination

COVID Testing – Rapid Lateral Flow Tests – for people who DO NOT have any symptoms

Everyone can access FREE regular rapid tests.  Regular, twice weekly rapid testing is encouraged, even if you have been vaccinated.  Around 1 in 3 people with COVID-19 do not have any symptoms.  Getting tested regularly finds hidden cases, ensuring you don’t pass it onto family members, friends or workmates.  If people test positive and self-isolate, it helps stop the virus spreading.

There are now more local places to get a free rapid asymptomatic COVID-19 test.  You can book at test, order online or simply pick up home testing at a range of local venues across Bromsgrove, Redditch and Worcestershire.  Your employer may also offer free rapid lateral flow testing.  The tests give you a result in just 30 minutes.  Further information, including FAQs, can be found here.

Have symptoms and need a PCR test?  Further information on both types of tests can be found here.

COVID Test and Trace Support Payment Scheme – *Reminder* of recent change to include parents/guardians


Please be reminded there was a change to this scheme as it was extended to parents and guardians who are not legally required to self-isolate, but who need to take time off work to look after a child or young person who is self-isolating.  Applicants will need to satisfy the existing eligibility criteria for the main or discretionary scheme to receive the payment.  Attached is more information.  For residents in Redditch and Bromsgrove, they can visit these links to find out more:



REMINDER – Public Health Worcestershire & NHS – latest COVID data and messages

  • *NEW* COVID-19 Second Live Redditch Q&A – 30 April 5-6pm – Attached is information that can be shared directly on social media channels.  Please help promote.

  • NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire CCG – Vaccination Inequalities Programme (VIP) & Communications – Latest VIP Stakeholder Briefing and Communications Updates are both attached.

  • Real Time Worcestershire Coronavirus Data – is publicly available.  The live dashboard shows the numbers of new cases Worcestershire wide and also by District.  Further information about COVID-19 cases in Worcestershire can be found through the LG inform data website.  There are also interactive maps covering all of the UK can be found on the gov.uk website.

REMINDER – The Local Community Responses aimed at supporting residents through the Covid-19 pandemic

Further details on the local community responses aimed at supporting residents through the Covid-19 pandemic is attached but basic contact details are listed below.  Please help ensure all local residents are aware so everyone is directed to and receives the support they need during this time:

Service / Support – Information Updates


  • FREE Walking for Health and Fitness – Lickey End Recreation Park on Tuesdays at 10am – There is still time to join this new walking for help session.  No need to book, just turn up!  Further details can be found online here.  Please help promote.

  • Support with your Census – BARN are still offering a free Census Support Service until the beginning of May.  They can help face to face at Bromsgrove or Redditch Libraries to help fill in the form online, fill in the Census over the phone or virtual support sessions.  Further information can be found at barn.org.uk/census-2021


  • Onside Advocacy – Stress Buster Coffee Evening on 28 April – As part of Stress Awareness month, the Onside team covering Bromsgrove have set up an informal wellbeing Q&A information session focusing on Stress.  This is aimed to promote the Onside services for people living in Bromsgrove, in particular the Lifestyle Advisors and Wellbeing Coaches.  Poster is attached.

  • Deaf Awareness Week – #WeSupportDeafAwareness Campaign – The #WeSupportDeafAwareness Campaign has been launched due to the significant difficulties that the deaf and hard of hearing communities have experienced during the lockdown.  Further information is attached.  Please support and promote.  Deaf Awareness Week is 4-10 May.

  • Thriving Communities – Thriving Communities is a new national support programme for voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise groups, supporting communities impacted by COVID-19, working alongside social prescribing link workers.  Further information is attached, including details of the next Thriving Communities Webinar on 11 May 3-4pm which will explore how social prescribing can help tackle loneliness ahead of Loneliness Awareness Week 14-18 June.

  • Worcestershire Children First ‘Early Help Family Support’ Service is now LIVE – Following a review, the Early Intervention Family Support (EIFS) and Targeted Family Support (TFS) has been replaced by the Early Help Family Support Service.  Further information is attached.

  • KOOTH – Free, safe and anonymous online counselling and support for children and young people – Please help promote this free service which is available to children and young people.  Access to Kooth is immediate.  There is no need for a referral, no waiting lists and the service is available 24/7.   Information for professionals is attached.  If you have attended a recent information session, you will have received this directly.  But if not, the information and links may be useful.  It includes a reference to the #DontDoItAlone Campaign which you can support by helping to promote.  You can direct children and young people to the following website: www.kooth.com

  • Here2Help Worcestershire is evolving – Here2Help was originally dedicated to helping those who needed support during the COVID-19 pandemic.  It is now evolving so that the service offers advice, support and help to a wide range of services across Worcestershire.  If you are a charity, community group or business who provides services to residents, why not register your services on the new Here2Help Community Directory.  Visit the website for further details at: www.worcestershire.gov.uk/here2help

  • *Reminder* Dodford Farm –  is a small charity offering free family holidays on a referral basis for children up to the age of 9 and their family.  Families can be referred by anyone who works with them if they feel they are in need.  This is usually due to financial hardship, disability or low-level mental health problems.  Please see their website for more information and referral form – www.dodfordfarm.co.uk






  • *NEW* Bromsgrove Community Grants Scheme – Opening for bids on 4 May 2021 – The Community Grants Scheme will replace the New Home Bonus Community Grants Scheme but will follow the principles of that original scheme and applications will be limited to a maximum of £5,000 per project.  It will open on 4 May and close at 5pm on 18 June 2021.  A checking service will also be available but this will have a shorter deadline.  Applications forms, guidance notes and FAQs will be available shortly but in the meantime, please use the following link for current information that is available on Community Grants Scheme – bromsgrove.gov.uk.

  • Stop Loan Sharks – £5K Grants now available! – The Stop Loan Sharks Community Fund is now open for applications.  Community organisations, charities and groups are encouraged to apply for grants of up to £5,000 from the England Illegal Money Lending Team (IMLT) for projects to help tackle loan sharks. Collaborative bids between multiple agencies are also welcome.  The deadline for POCA (Proceeds of Crime Act) applications is 30 June 2021.

……ALSO in relation to Stop Loan Sharks and Perception Theatre, attached separately is an email which may be of interest if you work with young people.  It provides a link to short film about a student who borrows from an online loan shark to cover his phone bill which is aimed at ages 14-25.

Courses / Training


  • FREE Family Learning Courses – Spaces Remaining – There a range of courses aimed at parents, FREE TO EVERYONE, which are due to start shortly and there are a few places remaining.  Details are attached.  Please help promote to ensure as many or our families are aware.

  • FREE – Reconnecting with the workplace – managing anxiety course – 24 May 2021 – This course is aimed at people who have been out of the physical workplace due to coronavirus and are anxious about returning to the workplace.  Relate Worcestershire are running this course under the umbrella of the H&W Wellbeing and Recovery College and it will be held on 24 May at 9:15am – 1:15pm.  Further details are attached.  This is available on a first come, first served basis.


  • FREE Creative Mindfulness for Stroke Survivors – The next free Creative Mindfulness course on offer by Worcestershire County Council will be aimed at Stroke Survivors.  Further details are attached or you can use this link: 

Other Newsletters


  • Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) – latest Touchbase and the last weekly update from our local DWP Partnership Manager are attached.

  • Healthwatch Worcestershire – the latest bulletin, which includes links to reports and surveys that are still open, is attached.

We hope you find some of the information above helpful.  Please let us know if you would like any information put into these bulletins by emailing us at  .  We are currently sending out bulletins fortnightly.

Kind Regards,

Della McCarthy & Helen Broughton

Bromsgrove Partnership / Redditch Partnership



Total Attachments: 8

Download: Early Help Family Support Flyer - April 21 (45 KB) Download: Catshill Can Invite - 28 April 2021 (165 KB) Download: Local Community Support during the Coronavirus Pandemic - updated Feb2021 (900 KB) Download: SupportBromsgrovePoster_Feb21_A4DESKTOP (318 KB) Download: NHS CCG - Communications Update - 23.04.21 (229 KB) Download: Test and Trace Support Payment Scheme March 2021 update (24 KB) Download: VIP Stakeholder Briefing 16 April 2021 (77 KB) sbce Download: sbce (187 KB)
