Annual Reports

Document TitleDescriptionDownload
Annual Governance Statement 2024 Download
Accounting Statements 2024 Download
Statutory Notice for Exercise of Public Rights 2023-2024 Download
Annual Return & Accounts for year ended 31/03/2023Contains all statutory documents an accounts for the y/e 31/03/2023 Download
Statutory Notice for Exercise of Public Rights 2022-2023The right to inspect and make copies of the AGAR, the accounting records for the financial year to which it relates. Download
Statutory Notice for Exercise of Public Rights 2021-2022The right to inspect and make copies of the AGAR, the accounting records for the financial year to which it relates. Download
Annual Return & Accounts for year ended 31/03/2022Contains all statutory documents an accounts for the y/e 31/03/2022 Download
Annual Return & Accounts for year ended 31/03/2021Contains all statutory documents an accounts for the y/e 31/03/2021 Download
Statutory Notice for Exercise of Public Rights 2020-2021The right to inspect and make copies of the AGAR, the accounting records for the financial year to which it relates. Download
Annual Return & Accounts for year ended 31/03/2020Contains all statutory documents an accounts for the y/e 31/03/2020 Download
Statutory Notice for Exercise of Public rights 2019-2020The right to inspect and make copies of the AGAR, the accounting records for the financial year to which it relates. Download
Statutory Notice for exercise of public rights 2018-2019The right to inspect and make copies of the AGAR, the accounting records for the financial year to which it relates. Download
Bank reconciliation & Variances over 10% 2018_2019Bank reconciliation and variances over 10% compared to prior year Download
Annual Accounts 2018 – 2019This file includes Annual Governance statement, Certificate of Exemption, Accounting Statements, Annual Internal Audit Report Download
Beoley Parish Council Financial RegulationsModel Financial regulations Download
Beoley Parish Council Standing OrdersModel Standing Orders Download
Exemption Certificate of External Audit and Audited Accounts 2017-2018 Download
Declaration of unaudited accounts & commencement for the exercise of public rightsDeclaration of unaudited accounts & commencement for the exercise of public rights Allowing the parish to view the unaudited accounts. Download
Annual Audit Reports 2016-2017Documents including Annual Governance Statement, Internal Audit Report, Accounting Statements, Notice of commencement of the period for the exercise of public rights 2016/2017 Download
Bank Reconciliation and Details of all expenditure over £100 2016/2017Bank Reconciliation and expenditure 2016/2017 Download
Annual Audit Reports 2016-2017 Download
Declaration of unaudited accounts & commencement for the exercise of public rights Download
Bank Reconciliation and Details of all expenditure over £100 2016/2017 Download